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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

La marcha de Ava por corazones

Ava Evans knows that not every child around the world has the chances at life that she’s had. She was diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect, a hole in her heart, when she was born. It was corrected through surgery. “God gave me an opportunity to be here and be alive and live for Him,”…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Cleft Lip & Palate Surgical Teams

Cleft Lip & Palate Surgical Teams Medical Specialists Needed In a hard-to-reach community in Liberia, John struggled to secure a stable livelihood due to a frustrating physical condition—a cleft lip. He had endured a life of ridicule and rejection because people believed that he was cursed. John Finally, John received a life-changing operation from a Samaritan's Purse…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Mending Sarana’s Heart

As the mother of two healthy children, Narangarav knew in her heart that something was wrong with her newborn baby. After three weeks, a doctor confirmed her worst fears: Sarana had been born with a hole in her heart. Even worse, there was not a single hospital or surgeon in all of Mongolia who could…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Franklin Graham Visits Mongolia to Hear Compelling Stories from Children’s Heart Project

In a remote province in Mongolia about 140 miles from the capital city, a young mother and father work tirelessly day in and day out tending to their sheep, goats, cows, and horses. As nomadic herders, they move with the changing seasons and make their home in different areas throughout the mountainous countryside. Yet, no…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

A Bolivian Farmer Serves the Lord with Rededicated Passion

Nelson, a 26-year-old commercial farmer in Palca, Bolivia, heard the Gospel a few years ago and gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. But he never became involved in a local church. “My work and the influence of my friends became a distraction,” Nelson said. All that changed when a ministry team from Samaritan’s…

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Agua, salubridad e higiene

Thirsty for Living Water

Wilfredo, 29, was concerned that the school in his hometown in northeast Bolivia didn’t have running water. When he heard that Samaritan’s Purse wanted to meet this need, Wilfredo volunteered to help us build new restroom facilities for the school. Wilfredo worked alongside our Bolivian construction team, that specializes in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Going from Farm to Market

Grown in the high altitudes and warm climates of South America, goldenberries are small, round fruits that can taste either tart or sweet. Learning how to plant and harvest these husk-encased yellow berries in the mountains of Bolivia has made the difference between husbands and fathers needing to seek out work far from home to…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Ya no la llaman maldita

Editor’s Note: Joni Byker, Country Director for Samaritan’s Purse Liberia, recently visited ELWA hospital where Samaritan’s Purse surgical teams provided corrective surgery to cleft lip/palate patients in Monrovia, Liberia. She wrote this moving account. The work that we are able to do here in Liberia is not without its challenges. Daily we are faced with…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

El camino a la sanidad

Maria Nelly can’t remember a time when she didn’t have to summon all her energy just to take a breath. Each beat of the Bolivian girl’s heart was a struggle. With each passing year, the 7-year-old’s health grew worse as she labored to breathe, was constantly tired, and often felt ill. Her family didn’t know…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Lejos de casa, madre descubre Jesús es su mejor amigo

UPDATE: Uuganaa was baptized in a swimming pool on Saturday, May 30, as a profession of her faith in Jesus Christ. A month later on June 30, she and her son were among 25 Children’s Heart Project patients, mothers, and interpreters from Mongolia who we flew back to their homeland via our DC-8 aircraft after…

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