Christ’s Love Shines in the Midst of Conflict

julio 28, 2015 • Russia

Samaritan's Purse, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and the Russian Orthodox Church have provided aid to traumatized refugees in western Russia.

Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled into western Russia from eastern Ukraine to escape continuing armed conflict there. The city of Rostov, Russia, has alone taken in approximately 100,000 people who left everything behind in their escape.

“There’s been an incredible amount of shelling and artillery fire that women, children, men all went through. It’s caused a lot of people to flee their homes and seek shelter in other areas,” said David Holzhauer, Samaritan’s Purse regional manager.

In Rostov and Belgorod, Samaritan’s Purse and its sister organization, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, partnered with the Russian Orthodox Church to provide refugees 34,000 hygiene kits; 14,000 bedding kits; and 10,000 family food parcels. We also distributed toys to 10,000 children displaced by the conflict.

“The assistance that is being offered by Samaritan’s Purse and the Church—it’s just really crucial for these families,” Holzhauer said. “Most aren’t able to find jobs. There’s not much extra work in the region, which results in a lot of need.”

The relief, given in Jesus’ Name, is much appreciated as young and old mourn all they’ve lost and struggle to figure out next steps.

“I want to thank Samaritan’s Purse for their support. The supplies have made our lives better,” said Ruslan, a refugee.

Thirty tons of emergency relief from Samaritan's Purse has arrived in the Bahamas.
Ayuda internacional de emergencias Cuando sobrevienen los desastres naturales o un conflicto armado causa que las personas deban huir, Samaritan’s Purse responde rápidamente para llevar socorro a quienes lo necesitan con urgencia. Podemos proveer alimento, agua limpia y refugio, entre otras necesidades. Una manera de ayudar en situaciones de desastre es mediante la entrega de “kits de supervivencia familiar”, que incluyen cobijas abrigadas, baldes con filtros de agua, utensilios de cocina, jabón y otros elementos esenciales diarios. Por solo $45, podemos proporcionar un sustento a una familia que ha perdido todo, para ayudarlos a empezar de nuevo.

Ayuda internacional de emergencias 013310
Donación Sugerida: $45

