Franklin Graham Thanks NC Governor for Doing the Right Thing

marzo 25, 2016 • United States

Governor Pat McCrory has signed into law a bill that overrides the controversial Charlotte "bathroom" ordinance, which had been scheduled to go into effect on April 1

On Wednesday, March 23, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law a statewide nondiscrimination ordinance passed with urgency by the state’s General Assembly. This law provides protections to individuals based on the categories of race, religion, color, national origin, and biological sex. The new law also supersedes all local (city/town) measures, including a measure recently approved by the Charlotte City Council, which has become known as the “bathroom” ordinance. This LGBT-friendly ordinance would have allowed people to use restrooms based on their perceived gender identity.

Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham has issued a statement in support of Governor McCrory. Please also visit Franklin Graham’s Facebook page to let the Governor and General Assembly know of your support.

The statement reads as follows:

Thank you North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory and the NC General Assembly for voting to overturn what was known as Charlotte’s transgender bathroom ordinance. They did the right thing in killing that bill! Charlotte’s mayor and City Council voted to allow people to use a restroom or locker room that did not match their biological identity. We all know that’s ridiculous—and dangerous.

I’m glad North Carolina has a governor who will stand up for what is right and protect our children. Now he’s facing harsh criticism by LGBT orchestrated voices. He’s facing threats of backlash by big business, and of course his political opponents want to use this to their advantage. We can’t bow down to economic threats that risk the protection of our citizens and go against common sense and morality. Government should not mandate men being able to use a women’s public restroom based on their felt “gender identity” of the day.

LGBT activists are letting their voices be heard. We need to let the voice of common sense be heard as well. Write your newspapers editor and post on your social media about your support of what Governor McCrory and lawmakers in Raleigh have done—don’t be silent. Pray for our local, state, and national officials that they will have the backbone to make the tough decisions that are needed—and stand by them. And let Governor McCrory know how much you appreciate his strong and courageous stand on this issue—you can do that in the comments on my Facebook post.

