How Agriculture Changed a Life

julio 18, 2014 • Democratic Republic of the Congo
How Agriculture Changed a Life

A young woman with five children and no income finds a way to provide for her family through a Samaritan's Purse program

Georgette Yate is a beneficiary of a Samaritan’s Purse agricultural program in Mambasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

I come from a poor family. I was forced to get married at a young age to a man I didn’t want to marry. When I was pregnant with my fourth child, my husband abandoned me and left me to care for our family.

There was a man in my village who offered to help me with the condition that I become his wife. I didn’t have any other options, so I married him. We had one child. After only a short time, he left me as well.

I had five children and no way to support them. We were forced to move in with my father, who is older and sick. We had no income, no social standing, and suffered constantly from hunger and sickness.

How Agriculture Changed a Life

Georgette can now provide for her five children and her elderly father.

We were in a hopeless place, but then Samaritan’s Purse arrived and changed our lives. They gave me seeds and taught me how to how to plant and cultivate my field. Most importantly, they told me the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through the encouragement and teaching of Samaritan’s Purse, I’m certain that God will support me in all my projects. He never fails to deliver.

Today, I have enough food to feed my family and am able to sell extras at the market. I’ve become a responsible woman who is able to provide for my children and for my father.

May God bless the work of Samaritan’s Purse, and may God be greatly praised!

