In Honor of America’s Heroes

Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York City, at the Pentagon, and aboard United Airlines Flight 93. Since the attacks, nearly 5,300 U.S. military personnel have been killed in action and more than 51,000 have been wounded. Operation Enduring Freedom, which began in October 2001, continues today in Afghanistan. Operation Iraqi Freedom lasted from 2003 until 2010 and Operation New Dawn continued from 2010 until 2011.

Operation Heal Our Patriots, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, ministers to military couples whose lives have been forever altered by injuries or wounds sustained in combat or combat-related activities since 9/11. Over the past two years, close to 225 couples have participated in wilderness retreats in Alaska where they enjoyed opportunities for marriage enrichment, as well as physical and spiritual refreshment. Dozens have received new life in Christ during their stay.

These 12 photos represent just a few of the men and women touched through Operation Heal Our Patriots.
