Typhoon Haiyan - One Year Later

noviembre 7, 2014 • Philippines

Samaritan's Purse continues to work in the Philippines a year after the deadly storm

On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan pounded the Philippines. Heavy rains, waves that rose as high as 20 feet, and winds up to 195 mph made Haiyan the strongest storm to reach landfall in recorded history.

Samaritan’s Purse responded in the immediate aftermath of the storm, helping storm victims with emergency food, water, shelter, and medical needs.

In the next few weeks and months, we continued to work in hard-hit areas by providing clean water, shelter and latrine kits, nutrition programs, promoting hygiene and sanitation, and working with local churches to proclaim the hope of Jesus Christ.

A year after the storm, we are still working to help the people in the Philippines recover from the devastating storm.

Note: The report originally included with this story is no longer accessible due to technical incompatibility. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Philippines gardening
Proyectos en Filipinas Samaritan's Purse trabaja en mejorar la calidad de vida de familias pobres en áreas rurales y urbanas de las Filipinas. Entrenamos mujeres embarazadas en prácticas para amamantar. Proveemos exámenes de desnutrición, servicios médicos, agua potable, letrinas y educación de higiene. Apoyamos familias con proyectos de subsistencia como huertas y cría de cerdos, así como entrenamientos vocacionales y de micro-empresa. Muy importante, compartimos el Evangelio y ayudamos iglesias locales con cursos de evangelización y discipulado para alcanzar sus comunidades con la esperanza de Cristo.

Proyecto Filipinas 013395

