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Lives Transformed in DRC’s Dungu Territory
Violence and instability have long plagued the Dungu Territory of northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Churches, schools, and houses burned down during armed conflict decades ago have never been rebuilt, leaving communities seemingly trapped in spiritual and physical poverty. In the wake of so many years of violence, many families have been left with…
Cleft Lip & Palate Surgical Teams
Los esfuerzos de alfabetización ayudan a la gente a leer la Biblia en Sudán del Sur
Eyes and opportunities are opening up as residents of Thaker, South Sudan, learn to read the Word of God. Through the Samaritan’s Purse church-based literacy program in Mayendit County, men and women are learning to study in their native tongue—the Nuer language. They are not only acquiring the transformative skills of reading and writing, they…
Bringing Medical Care to Sudan’s Displaced Women and Children
Wrapped head to toe in a loose, floral fabric, Amira takes the hospital bucket from beside her cot and steps outside the pediatric ward to do some washing. The ward is one of eight tents that make up the Samaritan’s Purse Emergency Field Hospital, which has been operating since Christmas Day beside the government hospital…