Overcoming Poverty and Gender-Based Violence

enero 10, 2014 • Haiti
Overcoming Women’s Poverty and Gender-Based Violence in Haiti

As a woman’s family fell apart in Haiti, a program at her church gave her the tools she needed to keep them together and gain confidence for their future, while reinforcing her faith.

Guillaime Auguste is a beneficiary of a Samaritan’s Purse program in Haiti to help women overcome poverty and gender-based violence.

My name is Guillaime Auguste, and the Overcoming Poverty and Gender-Based Violence program is an answered prayer for me and other people in my church.

Before I learned of Samaritan’s Purse, my situation was difficult. My husband had left with three of our seven children because he was unable to take care of all of us. I was depressed and constantly in fear at the prospects of my children becoming vagabonds and vulnerable to abuse. I struggled with believing that God and the church cared about my family and me. Some of the kids had dropped out of school, and there was fear of them getting abused by the men in the community.

In an effort to support my family, I sold coffee. One Sunday, I put a little bag of coffee as my tithe in the offering basket.

Overcoming Women’s Poverty and Gender-Based Violence in Haiti

Guillaime was afraid of what would happen to her children when her husband left. But when she joined a program to overcome poverty through Samaritan’s Purse, she learned how to care for herself and her children.

When the pastor asked why, I said: “Pastor, as I came here this morning, I was so willing to give some money but I had nothing. I could give only what I had and I brought this coffee. Pastor, please pray for me that I will have enough for me and my family and that I will be able to bring my tithe and offering to the church.”

Just a couple of weeks after this prayer, Samaritan’s Purse introduced this project to the church. My prayer was answered! My community now recognizes the importance of being part of a church. This was an encouragement to my family.

As a result of my participation in this program, I learned how to save money and take my children to the hospital when they are unwell. I can also help my husband pay our bills and pay for food for our family; my husband is appreciative of all the help I give. I look forward to growing my business and seeing that my kids have an education for themselves. I know God answers prayer. He has used this project to bring hope to my family, hope for a future together.

I’ve learned that the church cares about us and our families. This project is an evangelistic tool in the hands of our pastor to reach this community. Now I can boldly share about Jesus with my neighbors because I’m a testimony.

