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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Ebola Treatment Center Now Open in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Samaritan’s Purse opened an 18-bed Ebola treatment center in Komanda in northeast Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Jan. 17. Medical teams are ensuring the comfort and expert care of every patient as they serve in Jesus’ Name. “By coming to treat people with this difficult disease, we as Christians are showing God’s love…

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Agua, salubridad e higiene

A Water Engineer’s Life

Amanda Patterson is a communications intern for Samaritan’s Purse in Niger. One of the most remarkable things about interning abroad in a place where life is not always easy is being able to watch and learn from the staff. Some of these people have lived in their respective countries for a number of years, committing…

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Programas de alimentación

Fleeing from Boko Haram

Editor’s Note: Names have been changed throughout this article to protect identities. In the Diffa region of southeastern Niger, there is little sound. Apart from the side-to-side rocking of the moving Land Cruiser and subtle shifting of sand in the wind, the sun beats down on a sparse landscape largely devoid of movement. Motorcycles are…

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Agua, salubridad e higiene

A Village Without a Well

It’s nearing 120 degrees outside, and already the women have walked three miles in the desert heat. They’re only halfway to the well in the neighboring village, and there’s no shade to hide from the sun’s harsh rays. At the well they’ll wait in line, draw water, and pour it into their jerry cans. Then…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Cultivating Knowledge and Determination in Niger

Renae Chrystal is the communications intern in Niger. In the village of Boubounga, Niger, a group of women welcome us to sit with them away from the hot, afternoon sun. They pull up two chairs for us while they sit on a long wooden rail, their clothes bright against the green of the millet field…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Restauramos la vista en Sudán del Sur

When Yinat went to his garden to gather sorghum he did not expect such an ordinary day would deal him such a dreadful incident. A spitting cobra lurking among the plants attacked and spit not once, but twice in Yinat’s eyes. That was 20 years ago, and Yinat hadn’t seen well ever since. He developed…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Glorifying God in Ethiopia

As first-time volunteers with World Medical Mission, Drs. Mark and Melisa Agness didn’t have any lofty goals when they arrived at Soddo Christian Hospital in Ethiopia last fall. They simply wanted to minister to patients and staff and make whatever difference they could. Not only did the experience exceed their expectations, but the California couple…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Changing Lives One Seed at a Time

Tucked away in the lush greenery of Grand-Goâve, Haiti, are dozens of bean fields ready to be harvested. Nore and his fellow farmers planted the beans three months ago, and now their family and friends are helping them with the harvest. Harvesting beans involves pulling the full-grown plants from the ground and plucking off each…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

The Power of Being Present

Anyone who has survived medical school knows the experience can feel like a perpetual marathon—a grueling four years of mental and physical weariness—followed by another round of three to seven years of residency training. So when Dr. Daniel Dyer needed a break from the books, he looked for a place where he could put his…

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Nuestro Ministerio

The Importance of Water

By Abby Anderson, who works with her husband, Mark, to manage the Egbe Hospital revitalization program in Nigeria. We continue to have severe water shortages on the compound, and what we thought was bad has continued on to worse. We have three boreholes that pump water into two storage tanks. But to pump the water…

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