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Operation Christmas Child

Una niña en Ecuador comparte su increíble testimonio

Iglesia Nueva Generación in Cutuglagua, Ecuador, was predominantly a congregation of adults until they got involved with Operation Christmas Child. But when they coordinated an outreach event for children in June 2021, they were glad to see youngsters coming to the church, said volunteer Maria Yucailla. The event was successful and followed local health guidelines…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

El proyecto de labio leporino celebra 10 años en Sudán del Sur

People in the village told the young mother to toss her newborn daughter into the nearby river. They said both the child and family were cursed and would always be despised. But Dakeech believed her daughter, Nyani, to be a precious gift from God. She refused to end Nyani’s life because she was born with…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Faith on the Front Lines of Coronavirus

UPDATE: A more recent story from Italy has published. See “Hands of Comfort, Care Reach Out During Pandemic.” — Twenty seconds. A lot can be accomplished in 20 seconds. As Samaritan’s Purse medical staff repeatedly wash their hands at our field hospital in Italy, they’ve also dedicated that 20 seconds to intentionally praying for each…

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Operation Christmas Child

Missouri Volunteer Motivated by Jesus’ Last Words

Springfield area resident fulfills dream to reach children for Christ through Operation Christmas Child. Jill Cobb of Mountain View, Missouri, does what she does because she’s focused on Christ’s final words on earth, which begin: “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV). She volunteers as an area coordinator for Operation Christmas…

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Programas de Mujeres

Samaritan’s Purse Clinic Provides Expectant Mothers Needed Medical Care in Colombia

Many of the mothers-to-be who visit the Samaritan’s Purse maternal health clinic in Puerto Santander, Colombia, suffer signs of malnutrition as they and their families struggle to make ends meet. A majority of the women are Venezuelans who’ve fled their homeland in recent years and are trying to start a new life in the nation…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Restaurar familias y futuros con nuevos medios de subsistencia

A Father’s Struggle Considered the poorest family in their village, Chheng and his loved ones were often looked down upon by the community. For Chheng, a husband and father to nine children, the need to provide a stable income was dire, but finding a good job in rural Cambodia seemed impossible. “My family was so…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Los trabajos en Oklahoma luego de las tormentas; un buen final en Texas

Heavy hail and violent winds wreaked havoc on the Tulsa, Oklahoma, area, leaving hundreds of neighborhoods without power and thousands of homeowners with looming questions on what is next. In the wake of this disaster, Samaritan’s Purse volunteers and support staff are on the ground providing relief to those most in need through home repairs…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Semillas de amor y esperanza

Jean Tisu was finally able to walk in peace as he strolled the rows of beautiful cabbages in his high rubber boots. “The life of a displaced person due to war is not good at all,” Jean said. “We were chased away from our homes. When we arrived here, we had a hard life.” Jean…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Llámenme Hermosa

In her tribal community, Adamma* knew from a young age her esteemed purpose in life was to become a wife and a mother. But at age 22, she remains neither due to a medical condition that makes her unable to become pregnant. Adamma felt cursed, as other girls had already been married for several years…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Unidades médicas móviles prestan servicio en la Ucrania cansada de la guerra

Samaritan’s Purse recently launched a mobile medical unit (MMU) to bring much needed healthcare to residents living in the embattled areas of Ukraine. Comprised of five Ukrainian doctors and nurses as well as a driver and a chaplain, the team delivers medical care to 35 patients a day, on average, treating conditions including high blood…

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