Food Delivered to Flood Victims in India

December 10, 2015 • India
A food packet distribution in Chennai, India.

Samaritan's Purse is providing emergency food packets and other relief to victims of historic flooding

The worst flooding in over 100 years has taken the lives of hundreds and left tens of thousands stranded in southern India.

Chennai, the country’s fourth largest city, received over a foot of rain during one day last week, which is higher than their average for the whole month of December.

Samaritan’s Purse has responded through local church partners, supplying emergency food to more than 20,000 flood victims.

DSC04208_hs“There are untold stories and sufferings of our believers, including our pastors,” said Bishop Ezra Sargunam of the Evangelical Church of India.

Volunteer teams, consisting of hundreds of church members and seminary students, have been working to reach the most vulnerable families. The food provided through Samaritan’s Purse is helping suffering people in his country who had very little to begin with.

“This brought some relief for the starving people who lost almost everything,” he said.

In the coming weeks, Samaritan’s Purse will be providing more aid to thousands of flood victims including household items, like bed sheets and dishes, and the repairing of homes and churches.

We are grateful to partner with local believers in walking the road of recovery with these hurting families.

“The flood is slowly receding but not the sufferings. The havoc caused by the rain will haunt the memories of the people for years to come,” Bishop Sargunam said.

Please join us in praying that our teams will shine the light of Christ into the lives of flood victims in India.

Thirty tons of emergency relief from Samaritan's Purse has arrived in the Bahamas.
International Emergency Relief When natural disasters strike or armed conflict causes people to flee, Samaritan's Purse responds quickly to bring relief to those in urgent need. We can provide food, clean water, and shelter, among other necessities. One way we help in disaster situations is by handing out “family survival kits” that include warm blankets, buckets with water filters, cooking utensils, soap, and other daily essentials. For just $45, we can provide a lifeline to a family that has lost everything, to help them get back on their feet.

International Emergency Relief 013310
Suggested Gift: $45

