Together we can reach hurting people with physical relief and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Samaritan’s Purse connects churches in the United States with churches across the globe as they seek to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. We want local churches to know how God is working both here and among the nations and then present them with opportunities to get involved. We invite your church to prayerfully consider supporting us as we help a hurting world in Jesus’ Name.
Frequently Asked Questions
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing both spiritual and physical relief to hurting people around the world. We serve the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Samaritan's Purse has field offices in Colombia, Bolivia, the Bahamas, Haiti, Liberia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Our ongoing work focuses on discipleship and evangelism; water, sanitation, and hygiene; food distribution and nutrition initiatives; livestock and livelihoods training; anti-trafficking programs; maternal and child health; and education.
In addition, Samaritan's Purse is ready to immediately respond in Jesus' Name wherever disaster strikes. Our recent international crisis responses include Colombia, where we are caring for Venezuelan migrants fleeing the political and economic turmoil in their country; and Ethiopia, where we provided food, shelter material, medical care, clean water, and cooking and hygiene kits to thousands of families displaced by violent conflict.
Samaritan's Purse also responds to natural disasters throughout the United States and, in some cases, follows up with disaster relief rebuild projects. We also have annual construction projects in remote parts of Alaska.
Through Operation Christmas Child we partner with local churches in more than 100 countries to distribute shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We ship these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease. The Greatest Journey discipleship program, developed by Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child shoebox recipients, teaches participants how to know Christ, grow in their faith, and share the Gospel with others.
World Medical Mission is the medical arm of Samaritan's Purse. Every year we send out more than 700 volunteer Christian medical personnel to more than 50 mission hospitals and clinics around the world. Our Children's Heart Project arranges lifesaving operations for children in need from multiple countries, including Mongolia, Uganda, and Bolivia. In Liberia, South Sudan, Myanmar, Mexico, and Bolivia we provide cataracts surgeries as well as cleft lip and palate surgeries. Orthopedic surgeries are performed in countries such as Burundi.
We are also busy at Samaritan Lodge Alaska every year from May through September as we welcome wounded veterans and their spouses for a week of Biblically based marriage enrichment training through Operation Heal Our Patriots. Our Family Care team follows up with couples during the year through events and personal contact. -
Please email or call (800) 528-1980 for information about opportunities to partner directly with a project or disaster response.
Everywhere we go, we seek to partner with local churches to meet spiritual and physical needs in their communities. As we provide relief in disaster and crisis situations, we come alongside local churches to identify people in desperate need and to mobilize the Body of Christ to serve in Jesus’ Name.
Samaritan’s Purse offers volunteer opportunities for both church groups and individuals during disaster relief responses and rebuild projects, primarily but not exclusively in the United States.
It’s easy for children and youth in your church to serve others in Jesus’ Name through the work of Samaritan’s Purse. Children who pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes can make an eternal impact in the lives of children across the world. They can participate in shoebox fundraising for Operation Christmas Child and, youth ages 13 and up, if accompanied by a chaperone, can also volunteer at an Operation Christmas Child processing center.
Youth at least 14 years old, when joined by a parent, can volunteer during Samaritan’s Purse U.S. disaster relief responses. Our teams respond quickly when natural disasters strike and we need an army of volunteers to come alongside hurting homeowners and offer the hope of Jesus Christ. -
All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects, and we may assess up to 10 percent to be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need.
Please use this form to request a speaker.
You may use this form to contact us with additional questions.
“Our church is privileged to serve with Samaritan’s Purse! Whether through disaster or crisis relief, Operation Christmas Child or medical missions, they serve with unprecedented kindness and generosity. By meeting the tangible needs of people with dignity and respect, the message and love of Jesus Christ is ultimately and intentionally proclaimed. We believe our resources are multiplied through continued partnership with them.”
Lisa Allen, Executive Ministry Pastor Life Fellowship Athens, Texas

Members of your church can volunteer on a U.S. disaster relief response and bring compassion and relief to families struggling after a natural disaster. We also could not do this work without our partner churches that serve as a home base by housing Samaritan’s Purse volunteers, storing equipment, and connecting the community with service opportunities. Your church can share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children in desperate need by packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and volunteering at an Operation Christmas Child processing center. We also have seasonal employment opportunities at these processing centers. Medical personnel can volunteer through World Medical Mission and join our Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART).PARTNER TESTIMONY
“Our experience with Samaritan’s Purse has been more than we expected. What they do is so impressive, from the masterful organization to the amazing fruit! What we were most surprised by is how what they do and who they are would impact our church’s DNA. We’ve seen a remarkable change in heart attitudes from the youngest to the oldest—simply by partnering.”
Glen Kline, Senior Pastor New Life Christian Center Eckley, Colorado

Please pray for Samaritan’s Purse projects that seek to help hurting people in the Name of Jesus. Pray that these projects will be a platform to build relationships and to introduce people to Jesus Christ. If you have a request you'd like us to bring before the Lord on your behalf, let us know. Go to our contact page, select "Prayer Requests" from the drop-down menu, and fill out the form.PARTNER TESTIMONY
“To see how our King orchestrates connections around the world and meets some of the most desperate needs on our planet through Samaritan’s Purse is a joy to me personally. Only eternity will reveal the degree to which our Savior has worked through our friends at Samaritan's Purse to show a suffering world how much He loves and cares for them!”
Brian Biggers, Senior Pastor The Lamb's Chapel Haw River, N.C.

We know your church's gift to Samaritan's Purse represents a trusted investment from the congregation.
View all our donation items or give to where most needed. Engage your friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers in Samaritan’s Purse ministry projects by creating a fundraising campaign. You can also make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one, or create a memorial giving page in their honor.
Empowering Churches to Transform Communities
DownloadPraising God in Palau
DownloadShoeboxes Lead to Church Planting in Mongolia
DownloadComing to Christ Through Literacy Projects in South Sudan
DownloadA New Day in Hermosillo
DownloadBringing Salvation to South Sudan
DownloadLighthouse Churches Shine in Disaster Relief Effort
DownloadRestoring Hope in Kentucky
DownloadEdward Graham in Mexico for Church Dedication
DownloadWorship Arises from Tragedy
DownloadRebuilding in Remote Alaska
DownloadVenezuelan Mothers Give Thanks
DownloadA Community Transformed” (Cambodia)