Despite serious challenges, many encouraging reports are coming from this African nation.
With an estimated 5.5 million people facing food insecurity, a deteriorating economy that has resulted in significant inflation, and more than 1.83 million South Sudanese now living as refugees outside the country, it is easy to become discouraged about the situation in South Sudan. Such facts and figures can seem overwhelming at the very least. But these numbers don’t tell the full story of all that is taking place in the world’s newest nation. Stories of hope are springing up across the country. God is moving in South Sudan.
At the Maban County Hospital, nestled in the middle of four refugee camps, 18 nurses have dedicated the past 14 months to learning improved medical techniques so that they can better care for and serve those who are sick, injured, and weak. Samaritan’s Purse recognizes the importance of empowering local staff members and thus, has facilitated a nurse training program so that nurses are able to continue to develop as professionals in the field of medicine.

South Sudanese are enjoying a bountiful garden harvest thanks to agricultural training from Samaritan’s Purse.
On the other side of the country, in an area that is currently experiencing emergency levels of food insecurity, there are farmers whose vegetable gardens are lush and abundant with food because they put into practice agricultural teachings provided by Samaritan’s Purse. Local fishermen also received training on advanced fishing techniques that has enabled them to catch enough food to feed their families, as well as to sell the extra fish in the market in exchange for other types of food or cash.
At a Bible college in South Sudan, the director of the school chooses to live on a small income rather than getting a higher paying job because he knows the only way to truly change this young nation is by changing the hearts of men. His heart’s desire is to teach and build up pastors so that they can return to their villages and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people there. While the decision to lead this college and earn little money seems contrary to the way of the world, this humble man knows one day the Lord will look upon him and say “well done my good and faithful servant.”

Access to safe drinking water is critical for good health.
In villages located in the middle of a swamp, Samaritan’s Purse is working alongside the communities to drill for water by hand because clean water is vital for health and survival. Now, the local people no longer have to walk long hours through dangerous areas to fetch water for their families. The community members realize the value of having access to safe water close to their homes, with one individual proclaiming, “This well is not meant only for us, but for generations to come.”
Additionally, Samaritan’s Purse has been encouraging local churches to accept the call of being the light of the world in their communities. Church members sacrifice their time, money, and resources to care for those around them who are in need. When one of the congregations heard about an elderly woman who was begging in the market because she was too weak to work, the group traveled a long distance to visit her and offer her food and money so that she no longer had to beg.

Local congregations are caring for those in need.
The widow was so grateful for the kindness the church members had shown, she asked, “Why did you help me when my neighbors did not?” The answer was simple—the church desires to live out the Biblical command of caring for the widows, orphans, and needy just like Jesus did.
Incredible things are happening in South Sudan. Our staff and supporters can trust that God is at work even during the darkest times.
Please continue to pray for the people of South Sudan and for our staff as they persevere to serve in Jesus’ Name.