A child from Uganda receives a second chance at life, and his mother celebrates salvation in Christ, through our Children’s Heart Project.

Like many little boys around the world, Francis loves Spiderman, airplanes, and making people laugh. Through the Samaritan’s Purse Children’s Heart Project, his life was saved and he has a bright future ahead of him.
But there was something about Francis you couldn’t see, the ticking of a complex heart defect that stunted his physical growth and caused other complications.
“Francis began having different sicknesses and recurring infections,” said the boy’s mother, Amina, recalling experiences that still weigh on her as she remembers them even today. “We were in and out of the hospital.”
Even when they received a diagnosis, that there was a hole in their little boy’s heart, they lost hope when they heard the crippling cost. Open-heart surgery in Uganda just wasn’t available to most people.
“It was such a huge sum,” said Francis Sr., the boy’s father. “We didn’t know where to start looking for it.”
For years they tried, scraping up enough to think it might happen, only to spend it on hospital stays.
“We had to come to the conclusion that God will be the one to decide what to do about Francis’ life,” Amina said. They decided they needed a miracle. And their miracle would come, but, in the process, God was going to transform Amina’s heart as well.
The Journey Toward New Life
They had their best days in years when a doctor from the Uganda Heart Institute showed up asking to look at Francis’ scans. She spoke the most hope-filled words they’d heard from a doctor—describing the Children’s Heart Project.

Our staff became close friends with Francis during his treatment and recovery–praying for him and working hard to make sure he got the treatment he needed through Children’s Heart Project.
Since 1997, the hearts of more than 1,500 children from over a dozen countries have been repaired through the Samaritan’s Purse program. The Uganda Heart Institute, one of our partner hospitals, has referred a number of young heart patients to the project, providing life-saving heart surgery at no expense to the family.
“I remember saying a prayer silently,” Amina recounted. “I said ‘God, if You do exist, I pray that this echo report will have Your favor, so that my child can have the help that he needs.’”
A few days later, she received a call from Samaritan’s Purse. Francis would be able to have his heart fixed at a hospital in the Cayman Islands that provides life-saving surgeries in partnership with Children’s Heart Project. Because of her own health issues, Amina couldn’t accompany her son. One of his cousins, Christine, would go with him.
“I was on my way to work when I received the call,” Christine said. “They told me that Francis had an opportunity to receive treatment. I was so happy.”
Unexpected Complications
They packed their bags and a few weeks later were on their way to the Caribbean, along with the medical transporter Samaritan’s Purse had arranged to travel with them. But joy quickly turned to despair when Francis began convulsing and was unresponsive only one hour into their first flight, which was headed to Amsterdam.

On the surface, Francis looked and acted a lot like many other boys his age. But his heart and body were growing sicker by the day.
Christine sobbed and feared the worst. “How can the child die before we even arrive?” she wondered.
Francis arrived in critical condition and was rushed to a hospital in Amsterdam. He wouldn’t be able to board a plane anytime soon. In fact, he needed urgent heart surgery in The Netherlands.
The next few months were grueling, as Francis had two major procedures followed by a series of complications and a lengthy postoperative recovery at a hospital in Leiden, where he received excellent care. Samaritan’s Purse staff supported and encouraged Francis and Christine. They also called Amina and Francis Sr. every day with updates on their son.
“We had Samaritan’s Purse on our side,” Francis Sr. said. “They kept checking on us and giving us hope. “We didn’t feel alone, and that lifted a big burden. The staff sent pictures and updates daily, which was encouraging. They helped us through the journey.”
As this was happening, an army of believers worldwide began praying daily for Francis. And at home in Uganda, the community rallied around his family. A local pastor also visited.
Amazing Answers to Prayer
One day, April Johnson, who serves with Children’s Heart Project, was on her daily call with Amina when she sensed God prompting her to read Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Francis is now a happy and playful young boy again enjoying his new-found energy after surgery.
Johnson knew that Amina desperately needed the rest that only Jesus could provide. She had been reading Scripture on the phone with Amina for weeks, encouraging her with the hope of the Gospel and praying that she would come to know Christ.
That day, her prayers were answered when Amina said that she believed in Jesus and was ready to confess Christ.
“I never believed until now,” she said. “I have seen the Lord work in and through my son’s life and those caring for him.” Johnson and the Samaritan’s Purse team rejoiced with Amina and her family in Uganda by praying on the phone and singing praises to God.
“I had peace when I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. When I look back on the journey, I know that God was trying to get our attention,” Amina said.
More rejoicing came in the weeks that followed as Francis improved. He started to respond when doctors said his name, and he began smiling and then talking. Eventually, he was healthy enough to return home.
Seeing his parents for the first time in months, Francis looked at his father and exclaimed, “Dad, feel my heartbeat! I am feeling great!” His father could immediately tell the difference of this new heartbeat from when Francis had been sick.
Our staff visited Francis and his family when they were back in Uganda. He was playing and full of energy. When he saw our team, he flashed a big smile and showed them his toy airplane. And then he said, “Thank you for praying for me.”
Amina, Francis Sr., and Christine thanked them for not only transforming their little boy’s life but for bringing hope to their entire family and community.
“God wanted to confirm to us that He cares about us,” Amina said. “He knows us; and He loves us.”

The love of Jesus Christ shown by our team for her and her son helped Amina open her heart to God. Now, as she celebrates her son’s new-found health, she also celebrates her new life in Jesus Christ.