Wounded veterans and their spouses receive salvation in Jesus Christ during Operation Heal Our Patriots in Alaska.
He was shivering so violently he could hardly stand still. The wind had suddenly picked up, the sun was nowhere in sight, and the air was noticeably chillier than it had been all week. Not even the crackling fire on the beach offered much warmth.
But it didn’t matter. Army Sergeant First Class David Larson and his wife, Nicole, were ready to venture into the cold Lake Clark waters and be baptized. During Operation Heal Our Patriots at Samaritan Lodge Alaska, David prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and Nicole rededicated her life to Christ.
“I’ve been praying for this moment a really long time.”
“I wanted David to get close to God. I’ve been praying for this moment a really long time. I never thought we’d be here,” Nicole said.
A New Beginning
Nicole and David have been married almost 10 years. The most challenging season of their relationship started last year when David retired after 24 years of military service.
“It was hard finding a new self-identity and translating my skills to the civilian sector,” he said.
Retirement allowed David time to begin processing his time in the Army, which included four deployments and a variety of tasks such as paratrooping (he was a jumpmaster), supervising petroleum equipment, leading logistical efforts, and liaising with civilian contractors.
Convoy security in Iraq was one of his most stressful assignments. “We had to deal with ambushes and IED explosions. It would be quiet for weeks and then an IED would explode. It was high intensity,” David said. Several of his friends died during that deployment.

David nails a bracelet commemorating the life of a fallen comrade to the flag pole at Samaritan Lodge Alaska.
David has suffered a torn rotator cuff, injured back and knees, and tinnitus. He also struggles with a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress, but these invisible injuries took him much longer to identify.
“I was suffering in silence,” he said. “I didn’t even realize the extent of the damage.”
“Now, I have Christ, and that’s very powerful. I’m not alone.”
Mental and physical trauma contributed to his skepticism toward God. Growing up on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, David and his family knew few evangelical Christians.
But his wife never stopped pleading for God to open his heart, and those faithful prayers were answered in Alaska.
“I’ve been stubborn for all these years. I knew there was somebody protecting me—and I finally found Him,” David said. “Now, I have Christ, and that’s very powerful. I’m not alone.”

David and Nicole dedicate their marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ.
David and Nicole also grew closer together through Biblically based marriage enrichment classes, meetings with our retired military chaplains, and wilderness excursions.
“This has been a healing process for me and a rediscovery of our marriage,” David said.
The couple rededicated their marriage to God and to each other during a special ceremony at the end of the week. “We’re starting new. This is our beginning,” Nicole said. “I look forward to growing in Christ with my husband.”
Hearts Changed
Army Sergeant John Grim and his wife, Penelope, also left Alaska with a brighter future. They met with our chaplains early in the week and both came to faith in Jesus.
“John was nervous and reserved at first when we met with the chaplains. He wasn’t the happiest when I put our names first on the marriage counseling list,” Penelope said, lightheartedly teasing her husband. “He just came to Alaska because he wanted to go fishing.”
But time with the chaplains helped them both to open their hearts to receive healing, forgiveness, and God’s love.

John and Penelope enjoy a bear watching excursion during the week.
“I lost a lot of faith after coming home from Afghanistan. I questioned my faith heavily after experiencing everything that I did. I ignored God for a long time,” John said.
One of John’s deployments to Afghanistan was so intense that his unit got a sobering warning before heading out: “They told us that some of us weren’t likely to come back home—and that ended up happening,” John said.
Post-traumatic stress plagued John when he returned home and his marriage took a hit as a result. He attempted to take his life multiple times.
“Our marriage has been a roller coaster,” Penelope said. “We’ve been at rock bottom multiple times.”

The Grims connect during the Biblically based marriage resiliency course taught by military chaplains.
They didn’t give up, though, and saw Operation Heal Our Patriots as an opportunity to strengthen their relationship. The classes helped them learn how to better communicate and resolve conflict. Most importantly, they realized that their marriage needed to be built on the firm foundation of the Gospel. Like Nicole and David, they recommitted their marriage to God.
“This week has been nothing short of a miracle,” John said. “I’ve never felt closer to my wife than I have this week.”
“This week has been nothing short of a miracle.”
John also shared that his new relationship with Jesus has him more excited for the days ahead than ever before. “I feel a lot lighter now that I’ve given myself to Christ. I’m excited to begin this new journey with my wife and our son and cherish every moment we have.”
For Penelope, Alaska marks a “restart” and a chance to move beyond hurts from the past. They both experienced forgiveness and healing, but she is especially thrilled that John was able to finally open his heart to both God and to his family.
“I am glad to have my husband back,” she said. “We are forever grateful.”

Franklin Graham interacted with Penelope, John, and other Operation Heal Our Patriots participants during the week.