Answers to Prayer

December 14, 2012 • Nigeria

Our staff in Egbe, Nigeria gets exactly what they need to build a hospital after praying to the Lord

By Abby Anderson, program manager for the Hospital Revitalization Project in Egbe, Nigeria

Earlier this year, we decided that we needed to be intentional with our prayers and pray for the specific needs that we were seeing on the revitalization project. So the construction team spent a Saturday morning creating a prayer list, writing it on a giant dry erase board, and then hanging it in the volunteer house.

As we began to pray, the most amazing things started to unfold. We watched miracles happen! We prayed specifically for tractor drivers to use the machine that was about to arrive from the U.S. The very day after it was driven off the shipping container in Egbe, a farmer and seasoned operator arrived on a construction volunteer team.

Every single volunteer team from that day forward has had a minimum of one very experienced heavy equipment operator or mechanic. Then, at the very point when we were ready to start harvesting clay one mile from the dam site, and build the earthen dam in front of the cement block wall, a professional dyke and dam builder who also owned an excavation company arrived from Canada. We had no idea that he had this extensive experience until he arrived in Egbe!

Mechanics arrived when our fleet of vehicles needed maintenance, welders arrived when we needed welding, finish carpenters arrived when we needed furniture built, someone who can sew arrived when we needed the cushions for the furniture made, plumbers arrived when there was plumbing, and tile setters arrived when we were ready to tile.

All of these construction volunteers signed up months in advance, and when they arrived, God made sure that we were ready for them. We couldn’t possibly have planned that on our own!

Two weeks ago, there was a discussion about how to get through a current building project with our cement mixer on the verge of collapse. The next day, a visitor arrived and donated his cement mixer to be used. My husband Mark’s reply was: ” I haven’t even had the chance to pray about this yet!”

God hears our prayers and your prayers. He knows our hearts and our needs before we even know what they are. What an incredible God we serve.

We have yet to change our prayer board. It remains on the wall in the volunteer house, and as we continue to see the miracles unfold, we say a prayer of thanksgiving that we are able to participate and be a part of what God is doing!

