Rushing Critical Relief to Southern Brazil

In the wake of catastrophic flooding, we've deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to Brazil to bring hope and relief in Jesus' Name to suffering families.

Serving Hurting Homeowners After Spring Storms

Our teams are on the ground in several locations after spring storms have devastated communities throughout the Midwest.

Clean Water. Changed Lives.

Samaritan's Purse is working in communities around the world in Jesus' Name to provide hurting people with access to clean water.

Women Helping Women in the War Zones of Ukraine

Samaritan’s Purse and our partners are providing aid to women living in conflict areas to remind them that God has not forgotten them.

Samaritan's Purse Films from the Frontlines of Ukraine

A powerful, two-part program about our work in Ukraine.

Restoring Hope in Israel

New ambulances are equipping first responders to serve their fellow Israelis amid ongoing conflict.

Striving Toward a Restored Acapulco

In the aftermath of Hurricane Otis, we're working alongside local churches to meet needs and share the love of Jesus Christ.

Livelihoods Projects

Animals, urban gardens, small business grants, and more help families leave poverty behind.

Children's Heart Project

Critical heart surgery is saving lives and turning hearts to faith in Jesus Christ through our Children's Heart Project.

World Medical Mission

Sending Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals on short-term volunteer service assignments at international mission hospitals.

Warrior Couples Find Healing in Alaska

Operation Heal Our Patriots is healing the marriages of soldiers wounded in combat through Biblically-based marriage counseling, spiritual guidance, and once-in-a-lifetime wilderness experiences at Samaritan Lodge Alaska.

Volunteer with us across the United States

Check out our current U.S. Disaster Relief volunteer opportunities.

Operation Christmas Child

We're reaching children with the Good News of Jesus Christ through shoebox gifts.

Bringing Good News and Great Joy to Roatán’s Hill Children

In the remote mountains of Honduras, children are hearing about the hope of the Gospel.

Serve with us!

Your career can make a kingdom impact. Serve in Jesus’ Name at Samaritan’s Purse!

Join our Disaster Assistance Response Team!

Apply to serve with our team that stands ready to respond at a moment's notice whenever disaster strikes.
