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Operation Christmas Child

Family & Children’s Resources

Family and Children’s Resources Lessons and Activities Promotional Resources Videos Articles Operation Christmas Child is a great mission project for kids! Whether you are focusing on packing shoeboxes as a family or as a group during Sunday school, children’s church, or VBS, these resources will help your boys and girls learn more about the importance…

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Operation Christmas Child

From One Child to Another

Operation Christmas Child is a project for all ages! You can get the boys and girls in your family and at your church involved in so many ways… 1. Collect Items & Write Shoebox Notes Helping a child select items for a shoebox gift can teach money management, as well as a greater awareness of…

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Our Ministry

2020 Special Report

Special Report A Project of Samaritan's Purse In 2020, A Ray of Hope & Joy Broke Through the Clouds of Fear and Darkness "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I…

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Operation Christmas Child

Celebrating 50 Million Children Discipled

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Children are precious to God. The Bible tells us that “children are a gift of the LORD” (Psalm 127:3) and that we are responsible to train them up “in the way [they] should…

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Operation Christmas Child

Celebrating 200 Million Blessings

Elizabeth Groff is on a special journey to help pack the 200 millionth Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift since the Samaritan’s Purse project began in 1993. Elizabeth, who received a shoebox gift years ago as a lonely child in an orphanage in Ukraine, is currently traveling to different U.S. drop-off locations and processing centers with…

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Operation Christmas Child

Young People Play Vital Role in Suriname’s Shoebox Outreach

Suriname bills itself as the greenest country in the world, boasting forests cover 93 percent of its land. Wherever you turn, from the coastal capital to the dense inland jungle, it’s true that the nation seems to burst forth with innumerable flowers, bushes, vines, and trees. Such vibrancy seems to characterize the Operation Christmas Child…

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Operation Christmas Child

Q & A: Gospel Opportunities in Paradise

Meet Ravina Kumar, national discipleship coordinator for Operation Christmas Child in Fiji. She is one of 6,100 people globally who volunteer on National Leadership Teams to guide our efforts in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication within their respective countries. Read on to learn more about how the ministry is advancing the Gospel in the Pacific through…

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Our Ministry

Operation Christmas Child 2019 Special Report

⋮ × To the Ends of the Earth Island Nations Receive the Gospel A Family Transformed Making Disciples The Greatest Journey Church Planting Full Circle Answered Prayers Volunteers Thank You Special Report A Project of Samaritan's Purse “Every box is an opportunity to reach a child with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”—Franklin GrahamPresident, Samaritan's Purse Bahamas Liberia Moldova…

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child Is Bringing the Hope of the Gospel to 1,000 Pacific Islands

Rengesuul Yobech sat in the shade of a spacious open-air gymnasium at Peleliu Elementary School in Palau on a sweltering late-February afternoon earlier in 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. The school’s 76 students were assembled there, eager to receive gift-filled shoeboxes at the first Operation Christmas Child festive outreach event to take…

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child Media Resources

Media Resources Media Requests PSA Graphics B-roll Photos Fact Sheets & Bios Key Quotes Press Releases Samaritan's Purse Media Resources PSA Our PSAs are available for use by media outlets and websites in the United States. Unless a kill date is noted, PSAs can be aired indefinitely. If you have any questions regarding PSAs or would…

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