Our Statement of Practice


Serving on assignment means your agreement to the following statements of practice:

The commitment of World Medical Mission is “to serve and not to be served.” Serving on assignment means your agreement to the following statements of practice:

1. I am willing to set aside personal preferences, habits, and schedule in the interest of others to fulfill the ministry of the mission hospital to which I am assigned and to seek to win patients to Jesus Christ.

2. I understand there are variations in practice and understanding of Scripture in some areas of doctrine, Christian living and witness. In serving with World Medical Mission, I will abide by the standards of the hospital to which assigned in all areas including dress, entertainment, activities, etc. This includes a willing agreement to abstain from the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco and being sensitive to cultural, regional, church, and hospital expectations and standards.

3. I understand that hospitals served by World Medical Mission are Protestant evangelical mission hospitals in basic harmony with the World Medical Mission Statement of Faith. However, due to varied viewpoints on some Christian doctrine (examples: eschatology, spiritual gifts, security of the believer, etc.) in serving, I agree to refrain from promoting, discussing, or practicing any doctrine, teaching or gift that is contrary to the beliefs, standards, and practices of the mission hospital in which I may serve.

4. In cooperation with the hospital, I will seek to provide excellence in medical care and to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Please call World Medical Mission at (828) 262-1980 if you have any further questions regarding our volunteer opportunities.

