Samaritan’s Purse Photo Blogs

Milestone for Mekoryuk

A new church is rising on Nunivak Island, Alaska. Meet some of the Christian elders in the village of Mekoryuk.

It’s never been an easy feat to construct a large building on Nunivak Island, Alaska. It still isn’t. That’s why this year’s work on the new Mekoryuk Covenant Church—which will be completed by Samaritan’s Purse volunteers over four months—is such a milestone for the Native Alaskan community. Before planes, the Bering Sea’s shallow and shifting currents surrounding the island proved daunting to larger oceangoing vessels. Nunivak’s first trading post was established quite late in its … [Read more...]

Thank You to All Our Volunteers

This National Volunteer Month, we say thank you to our volunteers who faithfully serve across the country in Jesus’ Name.

At Samaritan’s Purse, we share the hope of the Gospel as we rush to the aid of those caught in the ditches of life. When a hurricane blows down trees, a wildfire consumes a town, a flood rushes in, or a tornado rips apart a community, Samaritan’s Purse is there to provide relief in Jesus’ Name. All of this, however, is impossible without the committed support of our volunteers and church partners. Whether you tarped a roof, put a chainsaw to a fallen tree, or comforted a homeowner during … [Read more...]

Bringing Life-Saving Training to Vietnam’s Highlands

Samaritan’s Purse is educating local midwives in rural Vietnam on how to care for young mothers.

Pregnant mothers in the remote mountains of Vietnam face many challenges when giving birth and caring for their newborn children. Clinics are often located far from these mothers, and many women are not familiar with seeking out medical attention during and after pregnancy. Many choose to give birth at home, which can in some cases be dangerous, particularly if they have not seen a medical specialist earlier. Limited maternal health care services and lack of medical education can make childbirth … [Read more...]

Operation Christmas Child Special Report

God continues to be faithful to use Operation Christmas Child and The Greatest Journey to open doors for Gospel outreach.

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Warming in Koyuk

Samaritan's Purse staff and volunteers built a church in the remote village of Koyuk over the summer of 2023. Explore village and church life in this special place up north in Alaska.

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Check Out Our 2023 Year in Photos

See some of our ministry highlights from the past year.

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Church Construction Nearing Completion in Koyuk, Alaska

Samaritan’s Purse staff and volunteers are ministering to the remote village’s residents in many ways, opening up opportunities to point people to Jesus Christ.

Freezing and thawing had torn apart the church building’s foundation. Part of the ceiling was collapsing. There were gaps in the floor. It took at least a day—usually longer—to heat the building, at significant cost, so midweek events were held elsewhere. On winter Sundays, even with the heat on, it was sometimes still so cold inside you could see your breath. “Well, we didn’t feel good at all about it,” said Don Cross, pastor of the Covenant Church in remote Koyuk, Alaska. “It wasn’t safe. … [Read more...]

Shoebox Gifts Help Churches Share the Gospel Across Ukraine

Operation Christmas Child is reaching children and their parents displaced by the war.

Millions of children have fled to western Ukraine or left the country entirely since war broke out last February. Each of them has a different story of confusion, fear, and trauma. Churches across Ukraine are meeting the practical needs of the displaced in many ways, including providing shelter and food. Samaritan’s Purse alone has provided more than 153 million pounds of food over the past year-plus. In addition, many congregations continue to partner with Operation Christmas Child, a … [Read more...]

Responding to Deadly Spring Storms

Samaritan's Purse volunteers are working across multiple locations in the wake of devastating tornadoes.

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Franklin Graham’s Digital Newsletter for March 2023

Samaritan's Purse is helping to save lives and shelter families in Turkey.

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