Help Send 100,000 Children on The Greatest Journey

107,357 Children!

Through your generosity, another 107,357 children will soon be discipled through The Greatest Journey! Please pray for God to bless this new generation of evangelists.

Help Send

100,000 Children

on The Greatest Journey!

June 10–12, 2019


Total Amount

$ 90

Join us as we celebrate what God has done over the past 10 years through The Greatest Journey!

This dynamic 12‑lesson discipleship course—designed specifically for Operation Christmas Child shoebox recipients—teaches boys and girls how to follow Christ and share Him with friends and family. As these children retell the Scripture stories they learn in class, others come to faith and entire communities are transformed by the power of the Gospel!

Just $6 provides a child with a 12‑lesson Bible study book, a New Testament, a graduation certificate, and a trained local teacher who will mentor them.

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Mark 10:14

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