Operation Christmas Child: Celebrating Kingdom Impact

December 29, 2016 • Worldwide
Cambodian child with Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift
In 2016, more than 90,000 children in Cambodia received Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Cambodia is one of more than 100 countries where shoebox gifts were distributed this year.

This year God worked through Operation Christmas Child to change many lives around the world.

One simple gift has the power to change a life forever.

We praise God that this year more than 11.2 million Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts were delivered to children in more than 100 countries. Each of these simple gifts is a tangible expression of God’s love and an opportunity for local churches to share the Gospel with children and their families.

More than three million children participated this year in The Greatest Journey, our 12-lesson discipleship program for shoebox recipients. Since 2009, more than 10 million children around the world have joined The Greatest Journey and learned how to follow Jesus Christ and how to share their faith with family and friends.

This would not have been possible without your partnership. Thousands of volunteers inspected and readied millions of shoeboxes at our eight shoebox processing centers. Churches across the country hosted packing parties. Children and families made special gifts to pack in their shoeboxes.

As you scroll through the slideshow you’ll see photos representing some of our favorite stories from 2016.

Thank you for packing, giving, and praying!

