A youth in Honduras, discipled through The Greatest Journey, leads his family to faith in Christ.
Melvin Chicas was among more than 100 children who prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during an Operation Christmas Child shoebox distribution event in Honduras. Melvin and the other children then participated in The Greatest Journey, when they learned more about God and the Bible during the 12-lesson discipleship program.
“All the children were excited to receive their certificate and a New Testament during the Greatest Journey graduation ceremony,” said Andy Castillo, a missionary in Honduras whose church handed out the shoeboxes. “For many of them, this is the first Bible they have owned.”
Melvin, 13, read through the entire New Testament in the months that followed his graduation from The Greatest Journey. He began telling his friends and family about Jesus, and a number of his relatives have also prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.
Melvin, along with his mother and grandmother and other family members, now attend Andy’s church on Sunday mornings. Melvin also attends Awana meetings and serves with the church’s children’s ministry.
Melvin is now involved with the church’s educational program and is a studious participant. The program provides education at a low cost for students in grades 7 and up who would otherwise likely not continue in school due to financial strains.
“I have been impressed to see Melvin’s passion for serving Christ—he was completely transformed by the power of the Gospel,” Andy said. “We praise God for what He continues to do in Melvin’s life. He is continually proclaiming the Gospel to everyone he meets.”